Fresh seaweeds, shellfish, & marine life producta

Sea Life & Seaweed

Sea life from the Northern Atlantic Ocean. 50 degree F salt water species. Gulf of Maine Inc. supplies sea life, beach plants, and aquarium substrates from Maine, collected by hand.

Aquarium substrates


Bony fishes



Cartilaginous fishes



Gulf of Maine assortments




Saltwater plants




Green Slime (Enteromorpha spp.)

Green Slime (Enteromorpha spp.)


Common Name: green slime    

Scientific Name: Enteromorpha ssp.

Location: sandy, cobbly sheltered clam flats, hard mud, mid intertidal

Seasonality: available all year (best in spring - fall months)

Color: bright green

Size: 4” - 6" fronds, sometimes longer

Collected: by hand

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Green slime forming a dense mat around clam holes.

Green slime forming a dense mat around clam holes.

Tidepool Tim says, “Green slime is an invasive species in our waters that seems to form dense mats on the mud flats when the conditions are right. Shallow protected coves get the most growth of this green algae. In the fall, storms will windrow the fronds and push them toward the high water mark relieving the intertidal areas of this pest. In summer months, soft-shell clams can be suffocated by the covering of this seaweed. Often the clams will come to the surface of the flats in order to survive this covering of seaweed. Gulls and other predators will have a heyday eating these now exposed clams.”

Purple Irish Sea Moss - Chondrus crispus -  Whole leaf,  Dried - FREE SHIPPING IMG_0011.JPG

Purple Irish Sea Moss - Chondrus crispus - Whole leaf, Dried - FREE SHIPPING

from $51.00
Irish Moss - Fresh pack - Purple Sea Moss IMG_0055.jpeg

Irish Moss - Fresh pack - Purple Sea Moss

from $54.00
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Wormweed (Ascophyllum spp.)

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Purple Laver (Porphyra ssp.)

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Sea truffle (Polysiphonia spp.)

from $90.00